Midterm evaluation approach

With the midterm evaluation approach, I found useful to summarize the first part of this GSOC. What had I learnt? This GSOC has been very instructive and I realized something that may seem obvious to some people; Open Source is not only code. It’s also communication and mainly collaboration.... [Read More]

GSOC sprint in Paris - The end

It’s over, first gsoc sprint has end today. Many works has been done: A functional task-manager - Yes it works, every idea has not been implemented, but a simple recipe (extract, build, install and launch tests) should works. Some simples tasks (build, install) - There are written, but need... [Read More]

GSOC sprint at Paris

Here we go, the PYTI sprint has started today. At the end of the sprint, we should have: A functional task-manager. Some simples tasks (build, install). A VM manager able to launch something. Dependencies computing. I’m currently working on the task-manager that is close to be functional. In... [Read More]

PYTI discussions about the dependent part

Last week has been dedicated to discussions about the dependent part of PYTI. The PYTI project has been divided into two projects and we tried to make them independent, but they should communicate at one time. These communication can be separated into two different types, which are resumed on next... [Read More]